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About the Committee for Justice


In 2002, former White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray and political strategist Ed Rogers founded the Committee for Justice (CFJ), a non-profit organization devoted to restoring the Founder's vision of a federal judiciary governed by the rule of law and anchored by the Constitution. Under the leadership of C. Boyden Gray and former Energy Secretary and Senator Spencer Abraham, the Committee for Justice grew to be the nation's leading conservative voice on judicial appointments and the threat of judicial activism and is today the nation's oldest such organization.


The Committee for Justice advocates constitutionalist positions on legal and policy issues in Congress and the courts, while educating the public and policy makers about the rule of law and constitutionally limited government. CFJ accomplishes these goals through public education, legal advocacy, media relations, lobbying, advising politicians and candidates, and running hard-hitting, award-winning media campaigns that have earned national press attention.


In 2017, following the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch, the Committee for Justice decided to expand its mission to include several projects addressing the policy issues that are jeopardizing the future of the constitutionalist judiciary.


While CFJ remains committed to its role as a safeguard of the independent judiciary, the Committee for Justice has realized that additional steps must be taken to defend constitutional rights in face of two major challenges of the twenty-first century: 1.) establishing a framework for addressing constitutional questions involving innovative technologies, and 2.) preserving the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary in the era of the unaccountable administrative state.


The Committee for Justice Foundation


The Committee for Justice Foundation, a 501(c)(3) research center that complements our advocacy organization, focuses on organizing and participating in scholarly debates and conducting high-quality research.



Contact Us

1629 K St. NW
Suite #300
Washington, DC 20006 
Phone:  (202) 270-7748

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We are only able to accomplish our mission through your generous support.
Please consider making a donation today. 

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Copyright (c) 2019 by The Committee for Justice 

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