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A legal and policy advocacy organization that educates the public and policymakers about the rule of law and constitutionally limited government.
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Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Supreme Court Has Chance to 'Sunset' Affirmative Action in College Admissions
Newsmax: "Curt Levey said affirmative action policies are more about the institution considering them than the students affected by them."

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Biden's Replacement for Breyer Is Already in Trouble
Newsmax: "[Biden's promise is] essentially a sign on the White House door saying ‘men and members of all other races need not apply."

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Ketanji Brown Jackson, Leondra Kruger among Black female candidates to fill Supreme Court vacancy
The Washington Times: “We have too much identity politics right now. We don’t need more of it.” - Curt Levey

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Ashley Baker on Justice Breyer's Retirement: What Comes Next?
Watch Ashley Baker's appearance on OANN as she talks about Justice Breyer's retirement.

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
A Supreme Court Path for Potential Black Female Nominee
Financial Post: Curt Levey said he would "hold off any judgment about [Judge Jackson's] fitness for the high court until I see her record."

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
Harvard Race Case Punctuates Supreme Court's Turn to Right
Bloomberg Law: "There’s a lot of promise there with regard to abortion and affirmative action, and maybe even the Second Amendment."

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
'A fight that will excite black voters': How Democrats see SCOTUS
The Washington Post: "'President Biden’s quota is not about helping minorities,' wrote Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice."

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
The Rule of Six: A newly radicalized Supreme Court is poised to reshape the nation
The Washington Post quoted Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice.

Ashley Baker
May 18, 2022
How Trump reshaped the fifth circuit to become the ‘most extreme’ US court
Conservatives, however, reject the premise that Trump warped the lower courts so they no longer represent the will of the people.
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