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Media Roundup

Ashley Baker

So far this month, the Committee for Justice had interviews and commentary featured in The Guardian, USA Today, The Houston Chronicle, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Weekly Standard, The Washington Times, Inside Sources, The Nation, The Daily Signal, SCOTUSblog, and elsewhere.

Links and quotes can be found below:

Interviews & Commentary

USA Today: "The Democrats know this is lost," said Curt Levey, president of the conservative Committee for Justice. "They’re just trying to score points with the base and score points against Trump...”

The Guardian: Others who have met him also sing his praises. Curt Levey, president of the conservative activist group the Committee for Justice, said: “He’s intellectually curious. He loves to get into the details of the law and that’s why he loves being a judge. He’s the perfect person for it.”

...Kavanaugh seems likely to have the full support of the Senate’s Republican majority including Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, having apparently assuaged their concerns over the landmark abortion rights ruling Roe v Wade. Levey said: “It’s one thing to say it was wrongly decided. It’s another to say, after nearly 50 years, ‘I’m going to go out there and overturn it...’

SCOTUSblog: At InsideSources, Ashley Baker argues that “[t]he confirmation hearing … provides an excellent opportunity to examine both the role of the judiciary in our constitutional scheme and the problem of an expanding administrative state...”

The Houston Chronicle: Kavanaugh may rise to the occasion as well. Consider Chief Justice John Roberts, who in 2015 cast the decisive vote to save Obamacare.

“This affirms that Roberts is something very different than what conservatives and probably even liberals thought they were getting,” said Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice, a nonprofit that promotes conservative judicial appointments...

"The fact he promised to appoint conservative judges and, for the first time in history, released a list of people he would consider for the Supreme Court was a big part of getting him elected."

Levey believes Trump grasped the importance of judicial appointments during his campaign rallies, where his promises to appoint pro-life conservatives to the bench drew loud applause.

Trump's success following through in office helps explain why most Republicans remain so loyal to him, he says.

"Although Republicans control all three branches of government, they haven’t exactly been accomplishing much in Washington," Levey adds. "Judges seems to be the one issue that all the factions in the party agree on."

...Levey agrees: “He’s a clearly well-credentialled nominee who hasn’t said or done anything that people will be outraged about."The Democrats knew from the start this is not someone they could defeat.”

...It's entirely possible, Levey says, that Trump will end up with the most impressive record on judicial appointments of any Republican president in history...

The Washington Times: "For really as long as I’ve been involved in judicial nominations, which goes back to early in the previous decade, Democrats have tried to make an issue out of the Federalist Society,” said Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice, a think tank focusing on constitutional issues...

The Weekly Standard: But as Curt Levey pointed out in the Wall Street Journal, the Internet in the United States offers such a smorgasbord, from the estimable to the calumnious, that Russian provocations can easily disappear like “a drop in the ocean.” “Their content is intentionally indistinguishable from the authentic ads and political expression we hear and see every day in our democracy, making their marginal impact something like adding a marble to a jar of marbles...”

The Nation: It was during the Pryor nomination fight that conservative advocacy groups first aggressively advanced the claim that Catholics were being excluded from the bench by the left. The Committee for Justice, led by former George H.W. Bush White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray, and the Ave Maria List, a political-action committee funded by Monaghan, ran newspaper ads in support of Pryor that targeted moderate and swing-state Democratic senators. The ads featured a picture of a closed courtroom door with a sign over it reading, “Catholics Need Not Apply”—the first of the phrase’s many appearances in confirmation campaigns...

The Daily Signal: Still, lacking a strong argument against his nomination to the Supreme Court, the opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation is likely to rally around the argument that he would protect Trump, building a narrative off the Nixon comment and the Minnesota Law Review article, predicts Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice, a conservative legal group.

“We haven’t heard many objections to Kavanaugh, forcing them to focus on the resistance,” Levey told The Daily Signal, referring to the anti-Trump resistance. “Democrats need a narrative the mainstream media will hammer every day.”

“The type of news coverage that will resonate with the [Democrat] base is a narrative that Trump is some sort of criminal and Kavanaugh will protect him,” Levey said.

“It is the best bet to turn out the base, because only a Democratic majority can stop him,” he said, referring to the president...

Inside Sources: On September 4, Committee for Justice director of public policy Ashley Baker published an op-ed entitled "Kavanaugh’s Administrative Law Opinions: Agencies Should Approach Major Issues With Restraint."

(Note: This op-ed also appeared in the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center's Regulation Digest. You can subscribe here.)

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